Crafting Websites That Work as Hard as You Do
Franklin, NC
Your site needs to be very good in these areas:
- Great design (so they won’t leave as soon as your page loads)
- Logical Navigation menus
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Useful content (will help get you on the first page of search results)
If you are an expert in a field we need to tell the visitor WHY you are an expert and what you have to offer against your competition. Its not just about keywords anymore, you site needs good, solid, authoritative content.
Explore Our Website Design Portfolio
Peggy McColl
After spending nearly half a century studying the characters and technicalities of manifestation, Peggy McColl has over 35 years of experience in transforming the lives of individuals by helping them manifest their best versions. Read more…
Dr. Joanette
Allow me to introduce myself. I am an ER doctor, an organic gardener, an accomplished cook. Besides, I am a proud mother and grandmother. I grew up on a small farm in the Pacific Northwest with nine siblings, where we grew our food out of necessity. https://growwithdrjoanette.com/
Appalachian Apiaries
A family owned and operated Apiary. Appalachian Apiaries raise and sell honeybees. We support local farmers, fellow beekeepers, and our communities with pollination, top-quality nucs & of beekeeping supplies. Read more at https://appalachianapiaries.com/
Altus Consulting
Altus Consulting Inc was established in 2019 and is a leading manufacturer of Laser Heated Pedestal Growth (LHPG) systems for single crystal fibers. Our highly functional models are tailored to meet our customers’ needs and application requirements. Read more at https://altusconsultinginc.com/
Harper Law Firm, PLLC
For more than 25 years, Richard (“Rick”) Harper has been representing injured people in from the mountains of Western North Carolina. He is now joined in practice by his wife Patti and sons Josh and David. Read more at https://harperlawfirm.com/
Henley & Company, NY
Henley & Company LLC, is a New York City based firm, as well as a full-service, network of experienced investment professionals utilizing the newest electronic communications and processing systems. Read more at https://www.henleyandcompany.com/
Smith & Morgan Law, P.A.
Founding Attorney Michele D. Smith and her partner William J. Morgan, proudly providing legal services in Sylva, North Carolina. Read more at https://smithandmorganlaw.com/
Jackson County Democrats - NC
The mission of the Jackson County Democratic Party is to elect qualified Democrats to county, state and national offices and to advocate for policies that reflect our values. Read more at https://jacksondems.com/
Nerves of Steele
In this intensely raw and candid personal account of a childhood filled with emotional trauma, Linda Steele comes face to face with the reality she had spent a lifetime trying to bury. Carrying her past into her adulthood relationships, she found the cycle continued. Read more at https://nervesofsteele.net/
Brooke O'Shea Executive Leadership Coach
Brooke O’Shea has been guiding leaders and teams through the process of personal transformational change for over 16 years. Using a unique intention-led approach, Brooke collaborates with leaders and teams to develop a customized coaching experience that aligns people’s intentions and values with their behavior. Read more at her website.
You won’t get a second chance to make a good first impression.
Your typical website visitor knows they have hundreds of choices when searching for a product or service. If they can’t find it in a few seconds they hit the “back button” and they are gone.
Why is a first impression so important?
The overall design is absolutely the most important part of your website. The color scheme must be harmonious. The colors can be light and airy or bold and vibrant, but have to be complimentary. We always begin a design comp with a harmonious color scheme.
A extremely important part of good web design is your navigation system or “menu”. Have you ever been to a website where you have to hunt for the “Contact us” page? Easy to find pages keeps your visitors engaged.
Building a successful website
Your site needs to be strong in these areas.
– Stunning design
– Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
– Authoritative content
– Very sharp and professional looking
– Harmonious color scheme